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Robert D. Mulholland




L. E. Peabody & Associates, Inc. (1995-2004, 2008-present) -- Mr. Mulholland has over 25 years of experience conducting and directing studies analyzing many facets of the freight and passenger transportation industries, with an emphasis on economics, operations, and policy issues. Mr. Mulholland conducted studies and presented written and oral testimony related to the economic and operational impact of several mergers involving both Class I and short line railroads. 

Mr. Mulholland developed and sponsored evidence in dozens of Surface Transportation Board (“STB”) proceedings covering a broad range of economic and operating issues, including multiple proceedings establishing the maximum reasonable rail transportation rates for captive rail shippers.

Mr. Mulholland developed and conducted analyses of fuel-related operating expenses, fuel surcharges and fuel surcharge provisions as applied to unit train, single car, and intermodal traffic for several shipper clients, over multiple Class I rail carriers. Mr. Mulholland developed and presented testimony in STB proceedings related to the reasonableness of fuel surcharges imposed on select classes of rail traffic.

Mr. Mulholland directed a study quantifying the impact of proposed infrastructure changes on the operations of rail lines shared by passenger and freight traffic, and presented his findings to the STB. Mr. Mulholland analyzed and presented testimony to the STB related to cost sharing arrangements between passenger rail services using common facilities. He also provided analysis supporting the development of cost-based revenue allocations for intermodal (truck-rail) traffic in arbitration.

Mr. Mulholland is intimately familiar with the STB’s Uniform Rail Costing Service (URCS) program and underlying formulas, and presented testimony related to the impact of proposed changes to the formulas on the calculation of variable costs that railroads incur to move shipments of varying size and consist.

Mr. Mulholland conducted analyses of economic and operating conditions for dozens of shippers engaged in rail transportation contract negotiations with all of the US Class I railroads. He conducted field studies to assess the feasibility of proposed expansion of privately owned rail infrastructure.

Mr. Mulholland conducted a critical analysis of the Federal Railroad Administration's (“FRA”) Regulatory Impact Analyses (“RIAs”) accompanying its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM”) and Final Rule (“FR”) implementing Congressionally mandated Positive Train Control (“PTC”) system requirements.

Mr. Mulholland developed studies analyzing delivered fuel prices to electric utilities using Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) and related data.

Mr. Mulholland conducted a study analyzing transportation rates for rail shipments of plastics that was submitted as evidence in a Federal court case.

ICF International (2006-2008) - Mr. Mulholland directed and conducted analyses of the trucking and rail industries for Federal transportation agencies including the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (“FMCSA”), the FRA, and the Federal Highway Administration (“FHWA”). His work included analyses of the rail and trucking industries and forecasts of future trends in both industries. For FMCSA, Mr. Mulholland conducted RIAs to determine the costs imposed on and the benefits accruing to the trucking industry resulting from rules proposed by the agency. Also for FMCSA, Mr. Mulholland directed a strategic-planning study analyzing and forecasting trends in the motor carrier industry and assessing the structure and policies of the agency. For FRA, Mr. Mulholland led a study comparing fuel usage for rail and truck movements of the same commodities over the same corridors. Also while at ICF, Mr. Mulholland contributed to the development of a guidebook for practitioners to use in the negotiation and implementation of shared-use of rail facilities between freight and passenger services. This work was part of a National Cooperative Highway Research Program (“NCHRP”) study.

Federal Highway Administration (2004-2006) - Mr. Mulholland directed the freight economics and freight infrastructure delivery programs for the Office of Freight Management & Operations of the FHWA. While employed at FHWA, Mr. Mulholland was a member of the US Department of Transportation (“USDOT”) inter-agency working group that drafted the National Freight Policy. In addition, Mr. Mulholland served on the USDOT Freight Gateway Team; a group headed by the Undersecretary for Policy and composed of one representative from each of the surface modal agencies. In this role he communicated with stakeholders representing public and private interests regarding freight movement issues in and around the ports of LA/Long Beach in Southern California. Also while at FHWA, Mr. Mulholland oversaw the development of a planning tool that estimates the long-run economic benefits arising from improvements to the freight infrastructure network. Finally, Mr. Mulholland led the implementation of four freight infrastructure improvement programs initiated under SAFETEA-LU, and authored a Report to Congress on the implementation and status of the Projects of National and Regional Significance (“PNRS”) program.


Mr. Mulholland holds a Master's degree in Transportation Policy, Operations & Logistics from George Mason University's School of Public Policy (2004) and a Bachelor's degree in Government & Legal Studies from Bowdoin College (1995).

Rob Mulholland
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